Knowledge on how to implement a body-worn camera program is not enough to guarantee success. Experience in planning, organizing, deployment, operational management, resources allocation and budgeting for a program is essential but, in most cases, undeveloped in agencies. There are a host of materials available on “what” to do but very little on “how” to do it. Simply relying on recommendations, or other agencies’ experiences with implementation, may be expedient in the short-term but may have a long-term undesired impact costing additional time and effort to be expended. Experience can provide valuable insights on the entire body-worn camera implementation cycle to agencies, manufacturers, and local governments in many areas that may not have been previously considered. Transfer of this experience can greatly improve the changes that an agency will successfully implement a body-worn camera program.
Daniel Zehnder, Founder and CEO of Principis Group Inc., has extensive experience with the body-worn camera implementation process. He is a retired Captain from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department where he served as the Body-Worn Camera Program Manager. Daniel managed the department’s initial deployment of 1200 cameras. He clearly understands the challenges born from this large-scale program. Daniel has also gained valuable experience and insights from serving as:
Subject Matter Lead Expert for the Bureau of Justice Assistance Body-Worn Camera Pilot Implementation Program Grant Training and Technical Assistance Initiative conducted by CNA Corporation.
The LVMPD research study coordinator for the first large-scale, scientifically rigorous, study on the efficacy of body-worn cameras conducted by CNA Corporation for the National Institute of Justice where he has worked closely with all research partners to ensure effective site operations and resource management to support research requirements.
Expert panel member on the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs’ Bureau of Justice Assistance Body-Worn Camera Project to assist in developing the national on-line BWC Implementation “Toolkit”.
Subject Matter Expert for the Bureau of Justice Assistance Smart Policing Initiative on Body-Worn Cameras.
Peer reviewer for the Office of Justice Programs Smart Policing Initiative Body Worn Camera Problem-Solving Demonstration Program and Body Worn Camera Pilot Implementation Program grants.
Body-Worn Camera Subject Matter Expert for Bureau Justice Assistance National Training and Technical Assistance Center Speaker’s Bureau.
Co-Architect and Manager of LVMPD’s Nevada Public Records Act body-worn camera recording dissemination program which has garnered national praise as an innovative and balanced model.
Body-worn camera training curriculum coordinator responsible for the planning, development, coordination and monitoring of the department’s body-worn camera training program.
Let Daniel apply this experience to turn your body-worn camera challenges into successes.